So i normally sleep about 3-5 hours a night and that 10 hours of sleep has me wide awake. Not sure what to do though. Have been on this schedule since thursday
I'm feeling a bit tired, i guess due to the fact i normally would be asleep right now and that i'm bored...i have no obligations, hw anytying due until friday just gotta go to class
Can't tell if i should nap until 8 am, shower / go to class. THen i'm free from 10 till1 pm. Should i nap again then or just try to stay up to break the cycle.
My only obligation today is to watch prison break / 24. But that normally invovles some 40's and a mini party until midnight
I sorta have to be up for a class that i could care less if i went to ever on tuesday...i went to 2 total and got a C after the first exam and i'm fine with that....but prof seemed upset and thereare no"official" grade lines. He can make my grade an F
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My name is not bruce