Is this a Good Rap By Me? New Verse.?
Tell me if you think this is good. Im hispanic had a rough and hectic childhood and live in Nashville,TN
email me at This is freestyle and it is all true.
I did school in the closet of a doctors office. I'd been kicked out of everywhere else for bein obnoxious. even though it was a hard situation i strived cause i had a dedication to education. Because here oppurtunities are few and far between life is hard and mean I played my cards like a rhyme scheme.
Sometimes id get mad and slit my wrists in the bathtub they'd calm me down with a backrub and i'd look at life and crack up.
I dont wanna be a school shooter doin a blast boom I get mad at the teacher and blow her *** all over the classroom.
Remember when the vice pres shot his lawer? maybe the layer killed his father and Cheneys diego montoya. Well thats all id like a standing ovation or maybe an invitation to party or a nice vacation. thats all i can fit in
20 answers
asked by
Jackson B