Before you pick a name, please ensure that it is not already in use by a SuicideGirl. Try to pick a name that is not too hard to pronounce or too abstract.
Use english letters only. Do not use non-english characters (ü, ç, è), numbers, spaces, hyphens (-), underscores (_), or any other symbols like ^, *, ~, ^. Your name should be capitalised, e.g. DebraJean, Alice, Nic, etc.
WRONG: Dee Ann (space)
WRONG: ~Jeannie~ (use of ~)
RIGHT: Jeannie
WRONG: michelle (not capitalised)
RIGHT: Michelle
WRONG: FaerieGlitterCat (too abstract)
RIGHT: Glitter, or Faerie, or Cat
WRONG: Schzmyyfhqwhgads (too hard to spell and pronounce)
RIGHT: Scythe
7 answers
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