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Movies - 7 April 2007

[Selected]: All categories Entertainment & Music Movies

Also, who do you think should star in the movie?

2007-04-07 06:01:05 · 9 answers · asked by PrettyEyes 3

OK most will say this is a VERY unfair comparison since the friends Lucas and Spielberg are concidered Living Legends by many (Including me), but i don't know there's something about the other two pals Tarantino and Rodriguez, these guys have GREAT potential, I just love the way they took control of their fate and became such big film directors, their success reminds me of the young Lucas and Spielberg and I think they still have so MUCH to offer, still I dont know, what do you think, which team will you support, Lucas+Spielberg OR Tarantino+Rodriguez

2007-04-07 05:49:02 · 22 answers · asked by Wayne R. 1

I thought that Finding Nemo was the better film based on

Characters: Finding Nemo had a more memorable set of characters and I don't think anyone in Lion King gave a performance to match Ellen's Dorie.

Imagination: I thought that everything that was done with the fish from the fish doing impressions to the seagulls all sayng "Mine" which to this day I think of everytime I hear seagulls (tell me you don't).

Visuals: Ofcourse Lion King wasn't didn't use CG animation, but the way the visuals were concieved I thought was superior. Alladin could compete, but not The Lion King in my opinion.

Story: The Lion King edges out Finding Nemo in this category because there probably weren't a whole lot of people moved to tears by Finding Nemo, but it was much funnier and again, I think it was full of more memorable characters.

What did you think?

2007-04-07 05:33:34 · 14 answers · asked by Chris D 4

This movie is fairly new....about the teenage girls that happen upon a mermaid.....they all become friends...have their summer fun. It is not a cartoon!

2007-04-07 05:18:56 · 9 answers · asked by dragonfly 3

2007-04-07 03:59:04 · 28 answers · asked by Raj 1

I want to try the online DVD rental sites that are around but I'm a bit wary - can anyone recommend which is the best, in terms of value for money, reliability and choice? From what I've seem, they seem to be a better option than "real-life" rentals from Blockbuster etc

2007-04-07 03:50:14 · 8 answers · asked by Fairy Jo 2

I watched it last night on my dish, i heard so many funny stories, so i could not wait to watch it, "OH MY GOD" it was sick and i found it not to be as funny as i heard.. what did you think of this sick movie?

2007-04-07 03:29:00 · 15 answers · asked by TIKI 2

If you could make a movie based on a book or book series, even if its already out...what would it be.

2007-04-07 02:13:39 · 15 answers · asked by rockinweazel 4

Please dont name them saying "Rocky 1, 2, 3... exct" the real names

2007-04-07 01:50:24 · 7 answers · asked by homer_1561 2

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