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Movies - 30 January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Entertainment & Music Movies

2007-01-30 23:58:18 · 12 answers · asked by devilsential 2

2007-01-30 23:33:52 · 18 answers · asked by xxlauraxxlooxx 1

I start with James Dean and Liz Taylor.

2007-01-30 23:28:02 · 16 answers · asked by chrissy 7

2007-01-30 23:26:19 · 4 answers · asked by carolinefordssuperbragirl 1

I'm not talking about them both having zombies or a mall or using the same dialogue, before you ask.
I know there was the 3 actors from the original appearing on the TV broadcasts - also the clothes store called Gayleen Ross (original actress) but are there any other hidden references to the original film in the remake.

2007-01-30 23:24:22 · 3 answers · asked by Darren C 5

2007-01-30 23:17:25 · 8 answers · asked by nba fan 2

may be presedent or actor or work in any field >

2007-01-30 23:15:25 · 5 answers · asked by adel b 1

The film starts with a young boy burried up to
his neck on a beach, along comes a young
boy with his bucket and spade,he stand over this
boy that is burried and pees all over him.There
are various scenes encountering a group of mischievios boys.The one scene is were they have discovered that a music teacher give her pupils more than just music lessons at a price, however when one of the pupils try it on with her,it wasn't her but her sister that took over the lesson, and knows nothing about the antigues her sister is involved, and when the amouros pupil trys it on gets a black eye for his trouble.Have seen this movie a number of years I can not recall the title, Has anyone out there any ideas

2007-01-30 23:10:25 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

Which MOVIES would you RECOMMEND me to WATCH before I DIE? Why do you RECOMMEND that?

Why does it REALLY worths it?

Personally, I'll recommend all "ROCKY" series to watch before dying... it definitely worths it!

How about you then? Which movie and why?

2007-01-30 23:01:40 · 22 answers · asked by Professor Franklin 4

I have seen both and personally liked Blood diamond more... How about you? I think Leo did brilliantly though...

2007-01-30 22:16:15 · 8 answers · asked by Sonstraal 2

I saw a rerun of this movie with cher in it the other day and i think it is a great movie, maybe a little sad, does anybody else,like this movie?

2007-01-30 22:14:04 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Was it just twisted violence for violence sake? Do you agree/disagree? Why?

2007-01-30 22:10:51 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi! Do you know any films about dancing?? about hiphop?? please if you know such films can you give me the site where I can find them and download??
thank you)

2007-01-30 22:07:52 · 2 answers · asked by Anny 1

I got hold of the book and can't wait to start reading. But I hear alot of people telling me how they had nightmares for weeks after watching the movie. Just wanted to know if the book is equally scary. I haven't seen the movie.

2007-01-30 21:38:43 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

did anyone like Butterfly Effect?

2007-01-30 21:12:36 · 10 answers · asked by portugal 1

Does anyone know if she has made a film ?

2007-01-30 21:11:41 · 8 answers · asked by nora 1

darth vader or magneto?
(yes darth vader has a light saber)

this compelling question actually sparked a 3-day debate between two of my co-workers.

who do you think would win, and why?

2007-01-30 20:52:49 · 15 answers · asked by soren 6

1) who would win in the family feud gameshow? simpsons vs family guy

2) in shrek 1, it wouldnt have mattered if shrek had not made it in time to stop the wedding. since in order to lift the curse the princess needed to have the kiss of true love. It was obvious that fiona and farquad didnt love each other so the princess would still be ugly. Am I correct or did I miss the plot point?

2007-01-30 20:46:10 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hostel has to be the worst film that iv seen in a very long time. so whats your worst one??

2007-01-30 20:43:27 · 29 answers · asked by Mrs Chicagosgirl!! 5

the new Battlestar Galactica ? I think its a superior show.

2007-01-30 20:33:24 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Y'know theres alot of pop-culture junk out there but what did you actually get sucked into buying thinking it was going to to be great but left you totally disapointed and feeling like you wasted your money?

For me it was:
Movie- Darkness falls: Im usually quite picky with what i watch at the movies but we were bored and saw this atrocious piece of crap.

Album- No Doubt- Return of Saturn: I was like 14 and loved their first album so i got this one the week it came out.....disapointing agh!

2007-01-30 20:32:22 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

can anybody please tell me which of the 6 sequels of rocky starring sylvester stallone was a hit .

2007-01-30 19:45:40 · 6 answers · asked by i no nothing 1

Mine is from Monty Python's "Search For The Holy Grail" when Sir Vedibier says, "perhaps if we built a large wooden badger."
My best friend and I always use that line when we're in a lost-cause situation.
There's always, "blessed are the cheesemakers..." from Life of Brian

2007-01-30 19:01:16 · 17 answers · asked by Banana 2

Given the tripe that Bollywood comes up with, how long will it take for intelligent audiences to wake up, and say 'Too mush!'?

2007-01-30 18:45:19 · 4 answers · asked by Hanisha 1

And change the entire plot. It's not like they're hurting for money.

2007-01-30 18:38:07 · 9 answers · asked by Cinnamon 6

Some actors are more famous and wealthy than the main characters in popular movies like LOTR because they're good-looking, eventhough the main characters are much better in acting and should have more attention. Don't you think it's kind of unfair to them, the MAIN characters, the MAIN actors?

2007-01-30 18:36:51 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

How to burn 2 DVDs into 1?

I have 2 DVDs of 2 family programmes. A videographer recorded both the programmes and delivered them to me in 2 separate DVDs. Each DVD has its initial menu of scene selection and audio setup. Now I want to burn these into 1 single DVD.

I want the new DVD to have a menu from where I can go to the menu of either of the 2 original DVDs.

I have a DVD-RW drive and a Nero software. But not quite sure how to do what I want to do using the things I have. Can anyone help out?

The videographer friend is currently out of country; so I can't seek her assistance.

2007-01-30 18:27:40 · 3 answers · asked by ihrobin 5

I need to know what the title of this movie is. I have heard it was a very good one, considering Elvis wasn't a trained actor necessarily. Please answer this.

2007-01-30 17:58:30 · 4 answers · asked by Crazy Horse 3

In the end of this movie, we see "Amanda" dying, as she got shot in the neck by Jeff. We also see Jigsaw "die". Which, as far as I'm concerned Tobin Bell (Jigsaw) has signed for 5 sequels, which knowing saw 4 IS OFFICIALLY anounced, he will return.

...but Amanda, Will she return?

2007-01-30 17:45:52 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

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