I love movies, and sometimes I remember some good quotes that were said, like:
Braveheart (with a Scottish accent): "Put your head between your legs and kiss your own a**."....something like that
Shrek: "Do you know the Muffin man?"
Finding Nemo (Marlon to his son): "Hey, that snail was about to charge."
Emperor's New Groove (Cusco describing Isma): "You mean, scary beyond all reasons?"
Schindler's List (Itzhak Stern): "The list is an absolute good. The list is life."
Rocky (Rocky screaming endlessly with his weird lip): "Aaaaaadriaaaaaan" ....Can you believe there is another movie coming out? How old is he now like 70??? My goodness.
Forest Gump: "Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what to expect." ..Everybody knows this one.
Amistad: "Gives us free!" ...Powerful movie by the way, should have been recognized more by the Academy.
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