"Mark David Chapman, on December 8, 1980, fired five shots from a handgun in the streets of New York City in front of the Dakota, just across from Central Park. Four of them hit their mark. Minutes later, John Winston Lennon was pronounced dead on arrival. His murderer, Chapman, pleaded guilty saying that he "felt he was a nobody" and that doing the deed would get him the attention and publicity he wanted. He prophecied that killing John Lennon would "make him famous." Much of the attention that he recieved could not and still cannot be avoided, the man KILLED JOHN LENNON. I mean, here I am now having to write a blog mentioning him. But a few TV specials have already been made, as well as songs written about him... And now a movie. The above petition is against a film which is currently in post-production. The film, by Jarrett Schaeffer, stars Lindsey Lohan and Jared Leto AS CHAPMAN. The film follows the days before the murder.
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