I'm not approving of what he did, it was most definitely wrong. What I'm thinking, though, is that he has apologized, but now they have this thing with him and Jesse Jackson agreeing he needs to seek help. What he said was undoubtedly unacceptable, but it's not like he was screaming "You'd better watch your back N-er, because I'm going to knife you went you aren't expecting it" or "n-ers like you are proof that the blacks should've never been freed from slavery!" People lose their anger all the time, and he wasn't violent. Whether he is racist or he just said what he did to hit a sensitive subject towards the heckler, he didn't threaten the guy's life. He's apologized, it needs to be left alone, now. (I bet if it had been a white heckler and a black stand-up, Jackson would've praised the guy for throwing racial slurs.)
Does anyone agree with me on this?
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