It all happened on one particular day. A very black bump started appearing on my face. Before, you guys say anything about me not taking care of my skin...i will tell you that i wash my face and put lotion on it everyday...even to the extend of drawing the curtains to avoid sunlight when im at home. When i went school rashes started appearing and all that...
I try to treat the problem, but it started bleeding and became very unsightly and plus 4 more huge bumps started to appear alongside it...still i went to school appeared normal but no one understands the emotional trauma ive been through...I even have a girlfriend she still loves me and all that but i felt i let her down i mean my face is in a mess...
Still this is not the worst...Going to school everyday is like a burden to me because of my acne, is not that im nt positive about things in life but bcuz of my face i do not get that intimate with my girlfriend im embarrased to face her, i feel like i just cant be myself even in front of friends...I know you will be thinking yah your girlfriend still loves you and all that but unless you’re in my shoe you cant know what im feeling…
Weeks past, and I just decided to not go to school for one day to visit a dermatologist…I told my parents about it and they just started flaring up and scolding me…do they even know anything? Man, I really wish I can be in school seriously but the inside of me wants to go school, the outside does not permits…can you kind souls please give me some advice and relieve me of my depression?
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