I did NOT get drunk last night, but if I did I'm 22 flippin' years old. Heck, I'll be 23 in six days. If I want to get drunk, I can. Of course I've got brains enough to get a babysitter if the mood to drink strikes me.
Also, I had a terrible day yesterday mostly because someone was so mean and disrespectful to my child which is a serious no-no for any parent. I have the right to get upset about it as well.
Third, this is NOT my kids picture. It's actually me. But I do have kids and I do drink on occassion and I do get sad.
I fail to see how that's pathetic since I am a GROWN WOMAN.
Thank you, DAN.
Wouldn't you just know his name was DAN anyway?
16 answers
asked by
Jen F
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