The name of the song is She Said. Here are some of the lyrics I remember. Can anyone tell me who sang it and possibly send it to me? My messanger is on.Thanks!!!
I love the way that she walks
I love the way that she talks
I love the way she holds on to me
Hate the way that she lies
Hate the way that she cries
She says this time it's for keeps
Should have known from the start
She was cold in the heart
She was bound to do it again
Steady holdin all my pride
While she's making up her mind
Please God won't you let this pain end
I know that she loves me
I hope that she can see
My heart is only for her
And why can't feel the same way about me
So I suck it up give it another try
I know I'm f*cking up
I know I'm gonna die
That's all I remember. Thanks in advance for any help!!!
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