I dislike Kentucky...strongly.
Here's why: I live here, so I can offer some expertise. I just got back from Atlanta. Even there, I still found the people to be much more hospitable (and less in your business) than Kentucky. This applies to tourist- and local-oriented areas alike. In Kentucky, just say hello to somebody in Wal-Mart, in a large city or small town, and people give you strange looks (or even insults.) Women do not believe in showing any appreciation when a door is held open for them. People do not know what turn signals and yielding are on KY highways.
The winters are miserably cold and, overall, the weather is just unpredictable. The job market and quality of the educational institutions is not impressive. The highways are poorly maintained.
I can't wait to move to TEXAS (first pick), Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina, Tennessee, or even Mississippi.
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