He is feral hog. He is from Texas. He gained a pound every year and now his weighs 400 pounds. He drinks beer all day.
He is hairy all over, but his legs are hairless.
He has yellow tusks, and his left tusk is broken.
He loves money very very very much. In fact, he stole many millions and hid them somewhere.
His favourite occupations:
1. Chewing all the day long.
2. Chasing me around, threatening to kill me.
He almost got me once. He is afraid of me because I know about his millions and know where he hid them.
When he has to spend his dollars, he cries. It's a terrible spectacle
to see that hog crying.
He tries to live off others and makes others to get him food and beer.
Once he lost 20 cents and cried for a week. Then he lost one dollar and cried for a month, and could not sleep, thinking about how to get one dollar back. His favourite colour is green.
Why does he love dollars more than everything?
1 answers
asked by
Jokes & Riddles