It's a very small moment, and not many people notice it.
It comes when Michaels father is in the hospital, and the bodyguards have been paid off to leave him helpless. Michael knows that men are coming to kill his father.
Enzo the baker comes to the hospital at this time, and Michael and Enzo have to go out in front of the hospital to pretend to be the bodyguards, even though they are both unarmed.
A car with the assassins drives up, and after a tense staredown, decide to do it another time.
Afterwards, Enzo tries to light a cigarette, but his hands are shaking too badly. Michael grabs the lighter, lights it for him, then stares at his own hands, almost shocked that they aren't shaking at all. It his in this moment that he realizes his destiny lies with the mafia.
Like I said, it's a small moment, only a cuople of seconds long, but wow!
1 answers
asked by
Ike VanderPeePee