she is worst than that star jones, at least star didnt abuse everyone verbally , rosie deserves what is happening to her, for just bashing people on and on, first kelly ripa, then the whole chinese nation, now the donald, lol rosie finally met her match, ha ha she deserves whtever she gets, she thought she could go on and on bashin people, but when its the other way around she acts the victim, now she claims lots of fat woman have been goin up to her w/sympathy, rosie dont try to make this about all overweight people, is just her the donald attached verbally, not anyone else, now she wants to make it seems like he is telling off everyone, stop being manipulative. She one annoying thing. im tired of seeing her or hearing about her. You asked for it rosie now deal with it, lol poor thing, the donald is gonna mop the floor with her, she just doesnt know when to keep her mouth shut. I hope this teaches her a good lesson.
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