a tourist in Vienna visits a graveyard one morning(as you do)and suddenly he hears music. wondering where it could be coming from, he follows the sound until he locates the origin: the grave of Beethoven. as he reads the headstone, he realizes that the music is in fact the famous ninth symphony-being played backwards! puzzled, he persuades a friend to return with him that afternoon. by the time they arrive back at the grave, the music has changed. this time it is the seventh symphony, and it is also being played backward. curious, the two friends later return with a music scholar. by this time the fifth symphony is playing, yes, backward. the expert points out that the symphonies are being played in the reverse order in which they are composed-first the ninth, then the seventh, then the fifth.
very, very strange. by the next day the word has spread and dozens of people have gathered around the grave, all listening to the second symphony being played-you guessed it-backward. just then a gravedigger walks by, and someone asks him if he has an explanation for the music.
‘well its pretty obvious isn’t it?’ the gravedigger says incredulously. ‘he’s decomposing!’
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Jokes & Riddles