Just thinking one day, and came up with this. Let me know.
She has long golden locks
They'll remind you of the shining sun
She has the sweetest boyfriend
Who thinks he's her only one
She drives a different car everyday
Custom made to her demand
Designer clothing and accessories
Glistening diamonds all on her hands
She rolls through town with tinted windows
Ignoring the fans that adore her
Not knowing that without them
There would be no her
The friends she once grew up with
Are now not worth her time
Instead she hangs out with the rich
They sit around talk, wine and dine
She spends hours in a store
Not caring what she buys
She loves the quiet
Everyone else who wants to shop has to wait outside
She never realizes little girls who idolize her
She tosses the fan-mail to the trash
And doesn't care that somewhere
A little girl hopes she writes back
The tabliods at the store
Make her look to be a troubled mess
But always remember
Money can't buy happiness
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Other - Entertainment