I would like to know if anyone has bought any replica LV or Gucci handbags or wallets from these online companies: Finethingshop.com, Buysellbag.com , efashionworld.com?? If so, please tell me what item you purchased, how's the quality of the item, is it still holding together, how long has it been since you ordered the item, does the letter handle oxidized (LV handbags) (turn a honey brownish color) and would you recommend/order from this complany again? What positive and negative comments do have about the campany(s)? Thank you for all your responses, this will help me determine what company to chose from, I plan on purchasing a LV & Gucci handbags and wallets, I JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT COMPANY TO PURCHASE FROM??? If you have any other suggestion, please give me the web site and complany name. Thanks!
I would like to know if anyone has bought any replica LV or Gucci handbags or wallets fr
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