Scenario at Hand:
You are a kid, going to school, doing your own thing, wearing what you want to wear, not because it's cool, but because you want to. You listen to your own music, and maybe it's extremely unpopular, but you like it, so you keep doing it.
Then BAM! Like a wrecking ball to the face, everyone else starts doing what you're doing. Suddenly, your style is in. But then, it starts to lose it's luster, and people start throwing around the insults.
Then BAM! Another wrecking ball to the face, suddenly your style goes out, and you're suddenly a worthless human. Before, you were just weird how you weren't following what everyone else was doing. But now, the world has tasted your style and rejected it when they moved onto the next trend, so now you're not weird at all, you're just an idiot. People may even say to you, "Yeah, maybe you should go kill yourself."
So what do you do? Get pissed? Sure. But you keep living your way anyway, no matter what they think. Right?
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