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who on yahoo answers in the lebanon catergory would you nominate for:

most clever
most random

2007-03-27 15:23:46 · 11 answers · asked by ♥IslamForever♥ 5

2007-03-27 07:28:30 · 14 answers · asked by lebanon 1

2007-03-27 07:26:44 · 17 answers · asked by jennyrguitar 1

mine was really stressful.. I've been going mad all afternoon :S am going home in 18mins, cant wait.. and for those who just woke up..did u sleep well?


2007-03-27 04:28:01 · 12 answers · asked by .... 4

Will you go to the police and tell them??

Will you keep quite (SU) and take the blame

Will you just Be Quiet (SU)??

Any other ideas ??\

SU Stands for (S H U T U P)

2007-03-27 02:20:23 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

My hair color is Light brown, at night its dark brown :P, i dyed it like 2 times black, Dark black, so now the color is shading off, should i dye it back or not.

PS: brown and black suit me, and i hate going blonde :P heheeh, i once did it red, but you have to take care of it all the time..

What do you think??

2007-03-27 02:17:55 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

Im 25 So age doesnt matter and i would prefer to watch Dexter :D heeheh i love him :D

2007-03-27 02:03:36 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hillary goes to a school to talk about the 08 election. She offers question time. a boy raises his hand.
"I'm Kenneth. I have 3 questions.
1- what happened to your health care plan?
2- why run for President after your
husband shamed the office?
3- what happened to the things you took
when you left the White House?"
Just then the bell rang for recess. When they return, Hillary asks for more questions. A different boy raises his hand.
"I'm Larry. I have 5 questions.
1- what happened to your health care plan?
2- why run for President after your
husband shamed the office?
3- what happened to the things you took
when you left the White House?
4- why did the recess bell ring 20 min.
5- what happened to Kenneth?"

2007-03-26 22:03:33 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous


Why, Why, Why

do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are getting dead?

Why do banks charge a fee on "insufficient funds" when they know there isnot enough money?

Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet?

Why doesn't glue stick to the bottle?

Why do they use sterilized needles for death by lethal injection?

Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?

Why does Superman stop bullets with his chest, but ducks when you throw a revolver at him?

Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets?

Whose idea was it to put an "S" in the word "lisp"?

If people evolved from apes, why are there still apes?

Why is it that no matter what color bubble bath you use the bubbles are always white?

Is there ever a day that mattresses are not on sale?

Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with hopes that something new to eat will have materialized?

Why do people keep running over a string a dozen times with their vacuum cleaner, then reach down, pick it up, examine it, then put it down to give the vacuum one more chance?

Why is it that no plastic bag will open from the end on your first try?

How do those dead bugs get into those enclosed light fixtures?

When we are in the supermarket and someone rams our ankle with a shopping cart then apologizes for doing so, why do we say, "It's all right?"
Well, it isn't all right, so why don't we say, "That hurt, you stupid idiot?"

Why is it that whenever you attempt to catch something that's falling off the table you always manage to knock something else over?

In winter why do we try to keep the house as warm as it was in summer when we complained about the heat?

How come you never hear father-in-law jokes?

PS: Don’t forget my stars :D

2007-03-26 17:42:08 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous

and what thing there you liked more???

2007-03-26 11:41:35 · 11 answers · asked by حلاَمبرا hallambra 6

the material thing you love more.......Which thing that would be????

2007-03-26 11:36:58 · 19 answers · asked by حلاَمبرا hallambra 6

dont u love the ice-creams in Fresco?
O gosh some1 please send me some...

2007-03-26 07:29:31 · 16 answers · asked by G?ld?n ang?l 5

2007-03-26 04:05:08 · 14 answers · asked by lebanon 1

isnt it lebanon?

2007-03-26 02:08:18 · 28 answers · asked by G?ld?n ang?l 5

Pirate versions of virtually any copyrighted materials (business software, entertainment software, sound recording, or published interactive software such as encyclopedias or educational materials on CD-ROM) can readily be purchased in retail markets in Lebanon for US$5 or less. Piracy of personal computer (PC) games remains the predominant form of entertainment software piracy in Lebanon. It is believed that about 70% of factory-produced pirated entertainment software product is being imported from Asia, including from Malaysia, while about 30% is domestically sourced.

Do you think the Lebanese government should impose civil, administrative, and criminal penalties under the current laws (including the Copyright Law) to deter the organized manufacturing and distribution of pirate product ?

2007-03-26 01:39:16 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

for me, i didnt like him at first, but i ended up loving him, he is now my hubby, what about you??

PS: dont forget my stars :D

2007-03-26 01:29:58 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

A -You are not particularly romantic, but you are interested in action. You mean business.With you, what you see is what you get. You have no patience for flirting and can't be bothered with someone who is trying to be coy, cute, demure, and subtly enticing.

B - you give off vibes of lazy sensuality. You enjoy being romanced, wined, and dined. You are very happy to receive gifts as an expression of the affection of your lover. You want to be pampered and know how to pamper your mate.

C -You are a very social individual, and it is important to you to have a relationship. You require closeness and togetherness. You want the object of your affection to be socially acceptable and good-looking. You see your lover as a friend and companion.

D -Once you get it into your head that you want someone, you move full steam ahead in your suit. You do not give up your quest easily. You are nurturing and caring. If someone has a problem, this turns you on. You are highly passionate, loyal, and intense in your involvement's, sometimes possessive and jealous.

E -Your greatest need is to talk. If your date is not a good listener, you have trouble relating. A person must be intellectually stimulating or you are not interested sexually.

F -You are idealistic and romantic, putting your lover on a pedestal. You look for the very best mate you can find. You are a flirt, yet once committed, you are very loyal. You are sensuous and privately passionate.

G -You are fastidious, seeking perfection within yourself and your lover. You respond to a lover who is your intellectual equal or superior, and one who can enhance your status

H -You seek a mate who can enhance your zest for life ,fun & everything you seek for. You will be very generous to your lover once you have attained a commitment.

I -You have a great need to be loved, appreciated... even worshipped. You enjoy luxury, sensuality, and pleasures of the flesh.You like necking spend hours just touching , feeling & exploring.You look for lovers who know what they are doing.

J -You are blessed with a great deal of physical energy. When used for a good cause there is nothing to stop you, except maybe that they aren't always used for the good. (you could danced all night.)
K -You are secretive, self-contained. You are very sexy, sensual, and passionate, but you do not let on to this. Only in intimate privacy will this part of your nature reveal itself.

L -You can be very romantic, attached to the glamour of love. Having a partner is of paramount importance to you. You are free in your expression of love and are willing to take chances, try new sexual experiences and partners, provided it's all in good taste.

M -You are emotional and intense. When involved in a relationship, you throw your entire being into it. Nothing stops you; there are no holds barred. You are all-consuming and rave someone who is equally passionate and intense.

N -You may appear innocent, unassuming and shy; but we know that appearances can lie. When it comes to sex, you are no novice but something of a skilled technician.

O -You are very interested in fun activities yet secretive and shy about your desires. You can re-channel much of your energy into making money and/or seeking we.

P -You are very conscious of social proprieties. you wouldn't think of doing anything that might harm your image or reputation. Appearances count. Therefore, you require a good-looking partner. You also require an intelligent partner. Oddly enough, you may view your partner as your enemy...a good fight stimulates those vibes.

Q -You require constant activity and stimulation. You have tremendous physical energy. It is not easy for a partner to keep up with you.You are an enthusiastic lover and tend to be attracted to people because of their ethnic groups. You need romance, hearts and flowers, and lots of conversation to turn you on and keep you going.

R -You are a no-nonsense, action-oriented individual. You need someone who can keep pace with you and who is your intellectual equal- the smarter the better. You are turned on more quickly by a great mind than by a great body. However, physical attractiveness is very important to you. You have to be proved to be worthy for a partner. You are privately very sexy, but you do not show this outwardly. you can be a very demanding playmate.

S - For you, it is pleasure before business. You can be romantically idealistic to a fault and is capable of much sensuality. But you never loose control of your emotions. Once you make the commitment you stick like glue. You could get jealous and possessive. You tend to be very selfish often regarding yourself as the only human being on the planet.. You like being the centre of attention. You are very caring sensitive, private & sometimes very passive. Turned on by soft lights, romantic thoughts.

T - You are very sensitive, private & sometimes very passive. You like someone who takes the lead. You get turned on by music, soft lights & romantic thoughts. You fantasize& tend to fall in & out of love soon. When in love you are romantic, idealistic, mushy & extremely. You enjoy having your senses & your feelings stimulated, titillated & teased. You are a great flirt. You can make your relationships fit your dreams, all in your own head.

U - You are enthusiastic & at your happiest when in love. When not in love your in love w/ love a/ways looking for someone to adore. You see romance as challenge.

V - You are individualistic & you need freedom, space & excitement. You wait till you know someone well before committing yourself. Knowing someone means psyching her/him out.

W -You are very proud, determined & refuses to take no for an answer when it come to love. Your ego is at stake all the time. You are romantic, idealistic, often in love with love itself, not seeing your partner for who she or he really is.

X -You need constant stimulation because you get bored quickly. You can handle more than 1 relationship at a time with ease. You can't shut off your mind. You can do 2 things at once. You are very talented.

Y- You are sensual & very independent. If you can't have it your way, you will forget the whole thing. You want to control your relationships which doesn't work out too well. You respond to physical stimulation.

Z - You are very romantic but show feels that to love means to suffer. You wind up serving your mate & attracting people who have unusual trouble. You see yourself as a lover's savior.

2007-03-26 00:55:05 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

There are many examples of dreams that seemed to predict future events. Some may have been due to coincidence, faulty memory, or an unconscious tying together of known information. A few laboratory studies have been conducted of predictive dreams, as well as clairvoyant and telepathic dreams, but the results were varied, as these kinds of dreams are difficult to study in a laboratory setting.

Do you think Dreams can predict the future ?

2007-03-25 23:15:34 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

Costa or Starbucks?

Americano or Cappucino?

Mocha or Hot chocolate?

Espresso or Machiatto?

Green Tea or English Tea?

Do you have a unique recipe for your morning hot drink?

And what do you like to have with your morning drink.. sweets, biscuits, pastries or breakfast?

2007-03-25 22:01:01 · 17 answers · asked by .... 4

I do, especially when we show them that we are mad about something and they go" Ok im sorry" :D heheeh, it give me a satisfaction..

Ps: Dont forget my star :D

2007-03-25 19:19:09 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

If you organised these things according to your top priorities in life, what would come first, second, third...
-> career, pride, love, family, money
And why did you chose to put what you put in your first priority?

2007-03-25 19:12:15 · 38 answers · asked by Muse 5

2007-03-25 09:19:07 · 14 answers · asked by ♥IslamForever♥ 5

what do you think it should be for???

2007-03-25 06:44:05 · 16 answers · asked by حلاَمبرا hallambra 6

what would you want me to take for you from here???

2007-03-25 05:59:45 · 14 answers · asked by حلاَمبرا hallambra 6


2007-03-25 03:01:21 · 29 answers · asked by G?ld?n ang?l 5

I dont know where would I have been if it wasn't for........

2007-03-25 02:57:55 · 23 answers · asked by G?ld?n ang?l 5

2007-03-25 00:13:25 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

He is a coworker, and he NAGSSSS, God does he Nag, he gives me something to do, and like for 1 minute he asks about it like 50 times, and it is not urgent!!!

We have a procedure in the office that i have to do everything by priority and he just doesnt understand that!!! GOD

And i told him that a couple of times, but he is just an old nagging Bas***..

What shall i do, i cant stuff a donut to his mouth, so whats the deal here?? help

Ohh i told me boss, he keeps on laughing at him :P lol (my boss is cool)

2007-03-24 22:00:21 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

Would you think you guys would have known that you were from the same country and would have become friends as you are now, with some hating each other and some harrising another and some falling in love with each other????????????

2007-03-24 18:34:25 · 12 answers · asked by Me Myself and I 2

do u guys know who spongebob squarepants is? is he as popular in lebanon as it is in america?

2007-03-24 15:01:57 · 11 answers · asked by ♥IslamForever♥ 5

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