And it was really entertaining. A few things i noticed...
- Regal is hilarious, Crow chants towards Regal "You are a wanker", Regal grabs mic "I cant be a wanker ... Im not Australian" ZING!
- HHH has reached "GOD" like status with the fans
- Jeff Hardy IS a MainEventer
- Orton is cheered... our heel champion cheered like Cena
- Shelton is suprised he has fans... Once all the wrestlers returned to the hotel, Shelton walked past, I proceed to hail him like a god and say "Shelton, you are a legend", Sheltons reply "Really? Ok, thanks man"
Also, guess who met Mr Kennedy and Beth Pheonix at McDonalds, if you said me then you would be right.
Beth Pheonix is the hottest woman ive ever seen, good lord she has bigger arms than Kennedy and is hot, hot, hot, hot, if you think she is a man then you are a jacka$$.
Kennedy is cool, as one would expect.
Just throwing it out there - Couple Alert, Kennedy and Phoenix?
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HiG/Sub Zero, RKO = God~! OS~!