I just read an interesting question that helped me put words to a point I was trying to make. Would you live in AFrica, is what the guy asked. Some people were soo quick to say no, hell no, definitely not, I´d rather have running water, (classical displays of ignorance that is befitting of a school child). What I want to know is;how can you be so quick to say no, I would rather be in a country where they don´t eat bats? Seriously that is taking a continent, a whole continent...and putting one prejudiced spotlight of biggotry onto millions upon MILLIONS of people. Can I assume that the people who replied were mostly the waspy American type??? I mean they were quick to say no, when they probably don´t know how to name more than 4 separate African countries. But anyway, I thank you guys...´cuz if y´all can dumben down the gene pool some, then my children and their children will remain the smarter people of Earth. Ta...ta. ¡¡There are placesinAfricasofancythatyouwouldbe2lowclass!!
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