IGN SAYS TO JACK A BANSHEE AND FLY IT THROUGH THE TUNNEL, OUT THE OTHER SIDE AND UP ONTO THE BRIDGE TO GET THE SCARAB GUN. I can jack the banshee at the toll booth's across the bridge but there is an invisible wall preventing me from even getting to the tunnel let alone through it. I tried to push it through the tunnel with the warthog but as soon as I got back on it spiralled out of control back out of the tunnel. it also says you can do the flying sword exploitsomehow but I can't seem to make that work either. I have grenade jumped for three days trying to find another banshee but there are none that I can tell. Has any one else had this problem and if so how in the hell did you get to the top of the bridge. also is there a way to save your skulls to your legendary profile so you can use them on other difficulties? every time I get a new skull I think it cancels out the previous skull.
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