Get my TC badge back? I have over 10% in best answers (over all)!!
I also participate in P&S, NASCAR, & Royalty categories...
How many questions do I have to answer, before I get a badge in a certain category?? Because I can't tell how many I have best answer in each separate categories...
I really think you have to participate in 1 particular category & have 10& or more in JUST that one category! I think that's why I had one that was for here, P&S! But now it seems they've taken it away from us P&S regulars...
Question then is, how much to I need to answer and / or ask in 1 other category before I get my TC badge back??
Please don't tell me I just need to have 10% or more... because I KNOW there is MORE to it than just % of best answers!!
I'm almost positive it ALSO has something to do with how much you participate in that category...
Please keep your answers clean & nice, or don't answer at all! Thanks :)
2 answers
asked by
Lady Harley99