On a late august afternoon. There was an old retired couple working in their flower garden. The husband happen to look over at his wife's butt while she was bent over and said; You know honey, your butt is just about as big as our grill in the garage. She sighed and didn't even look up. Later on, the man went up to the tool shed to get a tool and decided to measure the grill. He then took the tape measure down to where his wife diligently worked. While she was bent over he measeured her butt.
"I knew it" he said, Again his wife never mentioned a word and kept working.
That evening, after supper they were setting on the couch. The old man snuggled up to his wife and put his arm around her. She scooted away. "what's wrong, are you not going to give me some tonight"? She replied; you think I'm going to fire up this big O grill, for one little old weinee.
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