do you like it in:
1-black and white
2-dark with with a red big moon and black rain with no sun of course i mean no day time
3-a smiley sun lol that smiles at you everymorning and never let's you alone with out chatting ,oh ya and birds singing and your life will be like that also u'll keep hearing Barnies songs and baby songs 2
4-a normal life but at night u'll have vampires hunting humans!!:s so you better watch out
5-a classic movie life lol where u'll see ppl dancing everywhere and you may encounter Marline Monroe dancing 2 :), oh ya even when you talk u'll be singing lol
6-a X-Men life lol u'll be mutant how about that lol but u'll have to run from the government
7-a game life u must find herbs and guns coz u'll face monsters be careful!!
8-a robot life your friends are all robots they don't have feelings only you have coz your the only human remained on this planet!!
9-a normal life with no lies if you lie u'll die !!
10- a normal life 2 u'll die after a month!!
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