My brother has joined the masons, he was to do a speech and was quite worked up about it, he was going on ,and on, we had a wee tiff so i left him this note on his big day.
What do you think of it, meant to say my dad is a mason also he saw the funny side my bruv said it was disgusting to dis them !!!
Use the All Seeing Eye the answer will come.....
How about north,south,east,west, all us Masons are the best at having an excuse for a monthly PISS UP !!!!!!!!
In my fathers house there are many mansions, thats where the celeb masons live we shall not name, names.......
Oh and wear combat trouser, that way you can already have one leg rolled up, this will save you time , and always always cover your work .........!!!!!!!
Good luck brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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