Have fun!! Good night! : )
What's the best...
5-ethnic cuisine (for example, Chinese)
Would you rather...
6-Spend the night in a haunted house OR be abducted by aliens?
7-Be shot in the head or beheaded (chopped, not sawed off; sorry for the graphic details)
8-Eat raw pig heart or cooked human meat (no humans were harmed in the processing of the meat)
What is/are your...
9-Two favorite colors
10-Favorite tv show
11-Least favorite celebrity
12-Worst fear
And finally, which do you prefer...
13-Brad & Angelina OR Brad & Jennifer
14-Cheesecake OR funnel cake
15-Money or Love
Here's a bonus to humor you:
If California was wiped off the face of the earth in that giant earthquake (assuming all you guys that live there got out safe), who would you want to leave behind?
Paris Hilton OR Michael Jackson (if you have another you'd like to add, I'm open to all suggestions)
27 answers
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