I need your help!!
I must write graduation thesis, so please answer my questions!!
My graduation thesis's theme is Japanese Telop (subtitle).
If you don't know Japanese Telop, please access this page!
Japanese Telop is used for non handicapped person as visual effects.
1. Where are you from?
2. How old are you?
3. What is the main difference between the TV shows your country and Japan?
4. Most Japanese TV shows use "telop (subtitle)". When you watch Japanese telop, how do you feel?
(for example, enjoyable to watch, boring, annoying, and I don't care ... Anything ok.)
5. If your country starts to use telop like japan in entertainment shows, do you agree with the idea or not?
Agree, Disagree, Neither
6. Please write your reason, why do you think so?
Thank you very much!!
4 answers
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