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Horoscopes - July 2007

[Selected]: All categories Entertainment & Music Horoscopes

I remember that she said that the United States is Cancer since July 4th is our birthdate. She said we are emotional people. France and Italy are Leos. Germany is Aries. Does anyone know the sign of any other country?

2007-07-31 14:42:47 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-31 13:29:40 · 4 answers · asked by youcantfeelthe_heat 2

im a Leo. ( :

2007-07-31 13:04:09 · 76 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have the need to fight for my right, and for what i want and believe in my life and what i think it's good for me.
Whether is school, work and love ones in any sort of relationship.
School we need education, to have a better jobs to afford what you want in life.

For love ones in any relationship, like they say, PEOPLE WE CAN'T LIFE WITH THEM AND WE CAN'T LIFE WITHOUT THEM.
if you think you have to have them would you fight for what you want because you know it worth fighting for right?
Will you fight for it as long as you feel you should and stop when you think you have anough. or you will always walk away.

2007-07-31 09:28:21 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

Just wondering since they don't match ...and yet I believe tons of Leo men DO have something for pisces women.
What is it?

2007-07-31 03:02:39 · 11 answers · asked by Lola 1

Both spiritually,phisically and emotional?
a girl told me this :/

2007-07-31 02:20:46 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous

If so will I ever meet a decent guy and get married?

2007-07-30 23:02:02 · 10 answers · asked by EMERALDBUTTERFLY 1

2007-07-30 21:59:01 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

can some one tell me more about that? or about what my personality should be like according to this??

thank you

2007-07-30 21:55:42 · 7 answers · asked by alice b 2

All astrological signs will be good though. I'm just having a major dead-end in my life. It's not going anywhere! I would just love to know when this will change. Thank you in advance!

2007-07-30 21:37:16 · 2 answers · asked by c-girl 3

On My Yahoo, I see the correct sign that my profile is set to. Under the daily forecast, there is a link that leads to Yahoo Astrology. Clicking on that link takes me to the forecast for Aries every time. My profile is configured with my correct sign, but it never goes to that sign from My Yahoo. This became a problem with the new My Yahoo interface. Any suggestions? ...especially since any way to contact Yahoo directly seems to be buried from view.

2007-07-30 20:32:55 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

I heard about a rising sign being able to dominate you. There is an article about past lives that you should go by your horoscope sign but I am confused whether it has to be your rising or sun sign.

2007-07-30 16:51:30 · 9 answers · asked by Yuri ^_^ 5

Where are people going these days to find their psychic readings for free.......just curious............Has anyone ever really gotton a good "free" psychic reading? Also curious why a psychic would give their "time" away for free to do this with nothing given in return..anyone have anything to say about this matter....

2007-07-30 11:40:22 · 2 answers · asked by amber 5

help catch this taurus?

2007-07-30 08:05:48 · 7 answers · asked by Graveyard Queen™ 4

Hi, I just got to know this Libra man, who is very keen to pursue me. He is in his 30s and seems to be very humorous. The thing is, Im currently in a dead pan relationship and I have kept this from the Libran. He sensed that I appear moody at times and quiet while we are talking. The thing is I like his company and a guilt feeling often overcome me when we talk-thus, the quietness and lack of participation.
Im a Leo by the way, with Mars in Libra- Could that be why Im drawn to this new man? I don't call him/text him and would always wait for him to initiate the move first. Do Libra men love courting a woman they are interested in or are they just reserved, like a Capricorn?

2007-07-30 05:56:43 · 12 answers · asked by Drifting Soul 1

As I read all the interpretations of different parts of my natal chart I'm beginning to see a pattern of definite contradictions. Am I quick witted or slow? Is my head in the clouds or am I ultra serious? how the heck do I figure this out?
Do I just pick the description I like and go with it?

2007-07-30 05:45:33 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

No, seriously. I'm wondering if there's a correlation between certain astrological signs and visiting Y!Answers.

2007-07-30 04:58:45 · 79 answers · asked by Agent D 5

Whenever I'm around one my breath is taken away. They amaze me. They could just be sitting in a corner and I'm impressed. I'm a pisces btw.

2007-07-30 04:27:57 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-07-30 03:09:18 · 20 answers · asked by Cappychic 4

** Note: I am asking this out of curiosity so those who have their non-believing opinions on zodiac signs please disregard and keep your comment to yourselves because they will be overlooked**

2007-07-29 21:38:38 · 15 answers · asked by . 3

The __________ Women

She’s hard to figure out at first. You notice her in a crowd and she commands attention. She’s humorous, vivacious and outspoken. You’re so attracted to her. But in the moment you ask her out for a dinner or catching a movie, She’s gone! Not because she’s coy, It’s just because you’re just a face in the crowd!

If you keep her guessing, you’ll keep her!
You can play a little hard to get in the beginning and that intrigues her but eventually, this girl knows what she wants.
If she likes you, the whole wide world will know it. If she’s in love, she will tell you. If she wants you, she won’t be afraid to take initiative to pursue you, she could chase you as well. She is aggressive and is not afraid to show her feelings. She plays no mind game.

To keep her intellectually stimulated will be a lifelong struggle. This is no dumb bunny, and you may have to struggle to keep up with her.

2007-07-29 14:41:18 · 21 answers · asked by #1 Girl -She's Bittersweet- 6

to me they just say what ever they feel like it and of course everyone has problems at one point or another,

2007-07-29 14:09:45 · 6 answers · asked by sacredsettings 1

I do not mind them but some of them seems boring and I am afraid maybe I am also boring or what I feel weird when I know some Taurus people are manipulative and always tend to 'be right' which goes on my nerves, I do not need to be right all the time and I am always associating them with me and I question myself if I am also the way they are. That's a very true similarity between us all we are very stubborn and inflexible. Some Tauruses are very unemotional and laid back but I have Libra ascendant and Libra rising and I guess that's the reason I am over emotional sometimes.The Taurus people are not interesting to me, why that is so? I also want to have Taurus friends because I will be glad to have people around me from the same zodiac sign but that seems difficult for me.

2007-07-29 13:18:25 · 7 answers · asked by Natalie 4

was told aquarius, not sure though

2007-07-29 12:51:34 · 10 answers · asked by Isuck,Usuck,Weallsuck 3

i'm gonna go with Leo

2007-07-29 11:32:17 · 28 answers · asked by Music♥ 6

2007-07-29 10:47:52 · 11 answers · asked by . 3

if so tell me something about me...whats my fav. show..and other stuff...
also can u tell me about my future..like what am, i going to be(job)???? && who is the nexxt boy i will hook up withh..&& will i do more then just hook up with him???
thanksss SOOOOOOOOOOOOO muchh... ireally need this!! =]

2007-07-29 10:32:56 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Guy 1 has been friends with me since I was 12 and he was 15; I feel deeply in love with him. I'm 18 and he's 21; I get butterflies in my stomach with him and I get really nervous inside. I can't stop thinking of him for no reason.
Guy 2 is a guy I met in the 8th grade and we only dated for a year, but I have no intrest in him, but he does in me. In other words, after 8th grade graduation we kinda of seperated and went our own ways. He comes back for me when he gets into college demanding a second chance, but I don't know.
I don't know who to choose because I seem to pick the wrong guys in dating. Both of them are really coming at me hard and I don't know what to do or choose right now. I need someones help on this guy 1 is a tarsus and guy 2 is a cancer which makes it so hard to decide how the realationship is going to be in emotion and social growth later. My heart is for guy 1...

2007-07-29 07:33:28 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

It was this way untill westerners changed it.
I would like to learn the old astrology. I think it would be much more acurrate. Things seam to get plagued with a bunch of crap once thay hit the west. I want to get back to basics. I believe ancient societies knew much more about are heavens than do modern day people. What do you think?

2007-07-29 07:26:11 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous