LEAN LIKE A CHOLO: If you're taken and you love that person to death
CUPIDS CHOKEHOLD: If you're taken && confused...
THIS IS WHY I'M HOT: If you're taken and u like someone else....
BUY YOU A DRANK: If you're single but your heart is taken....
MAKE IT RAIN: If you're single and just goin' with the flow....
I WANNA LOVE YOU: If you're single and you wanna tell someone you like them but not sure how that will go....
POP LOCK AND DROP IT: If you're single....
WALK IT OUT: you like someone and they like you back but you aren't going out yet....
THIS IS THE WAY I LIVE: If you're single and like someone but confused whether they like you back or not.....
UMBRELLA: If your taken and really happy with that person and don't wanna let em go...
I TRIED:You're just so confused and waiting for someone that wont completely tear you apart.....
PARTY LIKE A ROCKSTAR: if your single. kinda like someone. but not sure.
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I love my angels
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