Have you notice that the days Paris is in jail women are looking ugly and boring? They really need the beauty & excitement Paris provides for us in America. I'm glad i had Paris "10 tips to looking hot" on a Magazine to stay pretty until Paris comes out of jail. ha..ha..LMAO Just kidding..... but come on seriously people are always hating on her don't be so mean....Don't you feel a bit sorry for poor Paris going through all this ? only a bit????? Don't you miss her saying... "That's Hot" What will America do with out Paris? What will they talk about now on MTV,VH1,NEWS ... No fun Paris stories... I hope she gets out soon!!!!
Doesn't this break your heart? Look at her 11photos crying on the cop car http://justjared.buzznet.com/2007/06/08/paris-hilton-crying/
It's so sad,and she was screaming for her mom in the court house and telling them how much she love's them, Come on if you don't like her at least have a little bit of cosideration for her Parents they were crying in the court room & they are really suffering through out this circus the judge is playing. This is messed up!! She doesn't deserved to be free to home arrest and then ooopppss...bring her back to jail..They are morons!! No one deserves this.
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