This hunter heads out ot get beat during bear season. He spots a small brown bear and shoots it. He walks over to the dead bear and feels a tap on his shoulder. He spins to see a big black bear looking at him. The bear tells him he just shot his little buddy, now he has to kill or rape the hunter hunter. The hunter does not want to die, he chooses rape. After he gets out of the hiospital he goes after the black bear. He spots the bear and kills it. Again he feelsa tap on shoulder and turns to see a Grizzly bear. The grizzly tells the hunter he has killed his cousin, he has a choise, get raped or killed. Again the hunter takes rape. He heals and goes after the grizzly, when he sees him he takes his shot. Again he feels a tap on his shoulder. He turns to see a Kodiak and the winks and says to him " You don't come to hunt, do you"
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Jokes & Riddles