ok so last year when we were in 8th grade (we've already been friends 4 2 years) i started lking him but when he found out he started ignoring me nd stuff lke in the hallways nd would only tlk 2 me at lunch (we sat at the same lunch table) nd he would always b mean 2 me so i was mean 2 him 2. well, soon tht kinda turned into flirting nd i thought he lked me cause he would always look at me nd tease me nd smile when i tlked 2 him, but when i asked him he said no. then the whole ignoring each other thing happened again nd on the last day of school i thought he would at least say goodbye but i wlked towards him 2 tlk 2 his cousin he quickly wlked away nd left so a few weeks later i tried 2 tlk 2 him bout it online but he blocked me! tht was in june nd 4 a few days ive been having this gut feeling 2 call him but im afriad. i dont want him 2 thnk im stalkin him or anything but i just need 2 tlk 2 him nd i thnk he wants 2 tlk 2 me 2. should i call him or not?
16 answers
asked by
mrs.jack sparrow