It seems in this day and age that there are no secrets when it comes to wrestling. People on the internet leak storylines, signings, and spoilers on a daily basis, and have basically ripped down the fourth wall of professional wrestling and killed kayfabe. Amidst all of this excavation of truth, have you ever wondered whose really playing who? I mean, there are two types of fans, marks and smarks, those who watch blindly, faithfully, happily naive and those who dissect and seek answers, use Steamboat v. Flair Iron Man as a standard, and claim everything else pales in comparrision, and never really enjoy wrestling. Shane Douglas once said, "yes, you are a smart mark, but you're still a mark" Do you think that holds any relevance? Do you think that Vince and the Jarretts let us know just enough to keep us interested and thinking we're on the inside? Have you ever wondered who gives out these leaks about storylines, special appearances, and signings? Maybe we're still being played
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