is it possible to appease the internet fans? here is my second attempt at wrestlemania 23.....
the show opens with....
1. mr kennedy vs benoit { us title} in the bank 3 carlito, masters,kenny,king booker,finely,matt hardy
3.kane vs boogeyman {gimmik match}
4.lashely vs cm punkvs vandam {ecw title]
5. jeff hardy vs umaga {intercontinental title}6.micheals vs edge [ tlc match]
7.mcmahon vs foley [ hardcore streetfight}
8.hogan vs bigshow {retirement match}
9.candace michell vs micki james
10.cena vs orton {title}
11.batista vs undertaker {title vs streak} special guest referee; stone cold steve austin
1. mr kennedy gets the push
2.carlito gets a push
4.lashely gets push
5.umaga squashes hardy in a matter of seconds
6.edge keeps his streak at wm
7.Foley finally wins one at wm
8.hogan (of course) only thing big enough to beat him is his ego
9.candace michell
10.orton takes title
11.batista ends streak
11 answers
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