I am very sorry, I accidentaly deleted this question so I wrote it again. The were some very good answers, but I cannot remember them, so could whoever posted their answer to this question before do it again please.
I founded a clan, for a famous bbmmorpg called RuneScape. (www.runescape.com). At the moment I am the only member and I have no money to advertise. Could all of you please tell your freinds, that play RuneScape, about this clan? www.rsnclan.co.nr .
-more details-
My Clan is for low leveled players, (also known as noobs), and every member will get a list of free RuneScape items and gold, if they really need it, to help improve their level and stop being called noobs. If you do not play RuneScape, play it now before it is too late and you regret it. (www.runescape.com)
Do not worry, I will never ask you for your password if you join, or any other pesonal informaition.
9 answers
asked by