Redone the French Lick Springs top to bottom new windows, gold inlays decoration, all new furniture, gators, all new windoew in the hotel, you name it just like a new building, the golf courses concrete cart paths, sprinkler system, new golf carts, new sand pits even new white colored sand, decorativbe shrubs, Parking Garage, the Casino was going to be one of the smallest now it is one of the biggest. and new maintenance buildings, and the I call dome in West Baden Indian, is getting a total make over, the grounds are coming back to life again, beautiful the way it use to be. I think Mr. Cook has a wonderful dream and is making it come tru, it is unbelieveable. Mount Aire has a Old mansion on iy and he is completely redoing it, I have heard it will be for the people with money to stay. Hes building up the hwy. county rd. I can't ever tell you all that is being done, it is just unbelieveable. Looking forward to seeing the completion of our new dream town. Judy
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Other - Games & Recreation