If you were born before 1968, then you, like I do, KNOW that the cartoons of the 60's through the 70's RULE!! Courageous Cat and Minute Mouse, Bugs Bunny, Foghorn Leghorn, the Road Runner, Tom and Jerry, Popeye, et al... [How many times did a character running off a cliff, and hesitating as he became aware of his dilemma, before plummeting to earth, crack you the hell up? Or, a solid object like a shovel, assuming the shape of the face it had been bashed into, just tear laughter right out of your young soul?] You KNOW they are better than the crap today's youngsters watch!
OK, so the PowerPuff Girls, and Samurai Jack were cool...and the Venture Brothers are good too, but COME ON! Today's cartoons bite! Big time!!! Maybe THAT'S why today's kids are no good!
Don't you agree??
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