Hello there: this question concerns my cat, Casper, or Dr Hamley-Cunningham as he prefers to be called.
The good Doctor has recently taken a liking to fine literature and regularly sits in my favourite armchair by the fire of an evening, smoking a meershaum of fine cherry tobacco and enjoying a snifter of brandy. He likes to wear my smoking jacket, which looks quite ridiculous as, being a cat, he needs two more sleeves to effectively accomodate all of his limbs.
He has also started borrowing my car without prior consent and has, on more than one occassion, threatened me with part-exchanging it for a scratching post unless I feed him caviar instead of Felix. Apparently the gentleman's club does not look kindly upon members with unkept claws.
Whilst I can handle his unruly behaviour (he is awfully polite to my mother), he insists on reading because it is part of the image of the aristocratic class, rather than an educational tool; what can I do to convince him otherwise?
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