You go to someone's house for dinner. When you get there, they have a dog who immediately begins jumping on you when you walk in the door. They don't do or say anything to the dog to make it stop. When you sit down on the sofa, the dog jumps up on the sofa and gets in your lap and starts trying to lick your face. You send signals that indicate to your host that you don't like this sort of thing, but they don't call the dog down or do anything to make it stop. When you sit down to dinner, the dog parks itself beside your chair and stares up at you the whole time you are eating. Again, the host ingores what the dog is doing. After dinner, the dog follows you all over the house and starts the jumping/licking thing again.
Don't get me wrong, I love animals. But isn't there some kind of responsibility on the pet owner to make sure their pets aren't harassing their guests, especially if the guest uses body language to convey their discomfort at being subject to such behavior?
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spun up's evil inner child