1. Your group is starving to death with no food at all and comes across a few decapitated zombies.
A. Let's Chow down!
B. Let someone try the zombie meat to see if it's safe
C. **** this! I ain't eating the living dead
D. Set fire to the bodies
2. What would be your primary gun? ( type any, but only one) To fight zombies?
3. How do you finish off a zombie?, for good?
A. Decapitate it
B. Pump it full of lead
C. Burn it
D. Destroy the brain
4. What creates zombies?
A. Solanum
B. Voodoo curses
C. T-virus
D. If you have time to worry about it you're probably not in immediate danger, so does it matter how they came to be? Kill them all!
5. Let's say your fighting zombies close quarters, they could come from anywhere, best protection?
A. Full Riot gear
B. Tight clothes and short hair
C. Plate Armor
D. Shark suit
6. Your team member just got bitten, after killing the zombie that bit him, do you...
A. Sorry dude, but I have to kill you
B. Perform First aid
C. Am
3 answers
asked by
Big Boss the Philosopher