I watched a movie (think it was a kids movie) a long time ago when i was a kid (probably the early 90's late 80's). It started out with some kid (main character) flying a kite with his father. Next thing I remember the kid was walking past some shops late at night when he sees a poster with a golden apple on it. The golden apple seemed to be real, and the kid grabs it. Then a wizard ghost thing comes down from the sky and tells the kid to grab his beard, he does, and they fly off through the clouds to some distant medieval land. There he finds a villiage and some people living there in terror of a king. This king wears all black and has a claw hand he uses to cut out their hearts. The kid ends up somehow getting a cloak that makes him invisible, and sneaking into the black kings castle and doing the whole hero thing. Can't remember exactly what he does, I'm pretty sure he frees some kids, and destroys the king. Does anyone know the name? I've been looking forever and can't find it.
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