Is K-Fed seriously asking for sole custody of his kids with Brit or is Ashton Kutcher trying to "punk" the whole country?
Isn't this the same guy who left his daughter & a son who wasn't even born yet to go off on a whirlwind tour of sex,cigarettes,Cheetos, & Red Bull.Fliming it all to share with the world. Manages to knock Brit up not once but twice.
Now Britney may have made some mistakes being a first time Mom, most of them do. But Kevin's fathering has been a non-stop party from any night club that will have him, using "cd promotion" as his excuse. Most pics of Britney she's holding on to her son. The only thing Kevin is holding on to in the pics you see of him or a Marlboro Light in one hand, a drink in the other, surrounded by club ho's. Great atmosphere for 2 young babies. Maybe it's just me but I really hope when the judge grants the divoice he also orders K-Fed to be neutered cause he's a fertile little **** & enough is enough. So do you agree or not?
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