This is a clue for smart people only………….
Einstein wrote this clue himself in the last century, he said that 98% of earth’s people could not resolve it.
1- There are 5 houses with different colors
2- Every house is occupied by a person of different nationality
3- Every person like to drink his own drink and smoke his own brand and keeps his own pet
4- Neither of these persons drink the same drink or smoke the same brand or keep a similar pet.
1- The British lives in a red house
2- Swedish has a dog
3- Denmark drinks tea
4- The green house is on the left side of the white house
5- The person who lives in the green house drinks coffee
6- The one who smokes Palmdale has a bird
7- The one who lives in the middle house drinks milk
8- The one lives in the yellow house smokes Dunhill
9- The Norwegian lives in the first house
10- The one who smokes Marlboro resides next to the one who has a cat
11- The one who has a horse lives next to the one who smokes Dunhill
12- The one who smokes Winnfield likes to drink beer
13- The Norwegian resides in a house next to the blue house
14- The Germanium smokes Rothmans
15- The one who smokes Marlboro has a neighbor who drinks water
Define the house color, nationality of people, drinks and the brand of smoke for every person
Who is having the pet “ fish”?
Note: there is no trick in this clue, but just logical thinking. The one who resolve this clue he’ll be the smart guy among the 2% in this world.
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Jokes & Riddles