1. Conversation of 2 arrogants—
Thomas: My dog is brilliant! He hands me the newspaper every morning.
Dave: I know.
Tomas: Huh? How did you know?
Dave: My dog told me.
2. Josh: I dream of earning $5,000 monthly like my dad.
Rick: Woah! You’re dad is earning that much a month?
Josh: Nope. He dreams of that too.
3. Doctor: You’ve a few days left, Bob.
Bob: But…Is there any hope? What shall I do?
Doctor: Just marry the ugly and ******.
Bob: Why? Will that make me well?
Doctor: No. That’ll make you wish you’d rather be dead.
4. Lino: Dude, what’s the difference between H2O and CO2?
Joe: What the..!?! You don’t know!?! H2O is water! CO2….
…is cold water.
5. Wife: I can’t stand this anymore! We fight just everyday! I’d better leave this house.
Husband: Me too, I’m sick of this life. I’d better go with you.
6. Son: Dad, my teacher wanted to know your occupation.
Dad: Tell her, I’m a Cardiologist.
Son: What’s a cardiologist, Dad?
Dad: The one who fixed the car radio.
7. Scott: Why a long-face?
Harry: My sister is mad on me.
Scott: And why is that?
Harry: I forgot her birthday…
Scott: Just that?! Just ‘coz you’ve forgot her birthday she’s mad on you?!
Harry: Dude, we’re twins.
8. Stewardess: Do you want a drink, sir?
Sir: What are my choices?
Stewardess: Yes or No.
9. Advantage and disadvantage of having a wife/husband
ADVANTAGE: When you need him/her, he’s/she’s there.
DISADVANTAGE: When you don’t want him/her, he’s/she’s still there.
10. 2 little boys are bragging about their fathers.
Little Johnny: My dad is amazing! You know the Pacific Ocean? He’s the one who dug it!
Little Junnie: Well, my dad is more amazing. You know the Dead Sea?
Little Johnny: Sure thing.
Little Junnie: My dad’s the one who killed it.
11. Two basketball buddies is excited to know if they’re fave sport is being played in Heaven. They’ve agreed that whomever die first should get back to the other friend to confirm that they really have basketball Up. Jake died first. One night, Rod though he heard Jake’s voice.
Rod: Is that you, Jake?
Jake: Yeah, dude.
Rod: (excited) So, do they play basketball up there?
Jake: Got good and bad news. Good news is.. we play basketball Up there. Bad news is...we’re up against your team tomorrow.
Don't forget the STAR, if it made you smile (c'mon! i know you did^_* )! Thanks! Have a nice day!
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don't funk with my heart
Jokes & Riddles