1. Which celebrity has the most shocking scandels? Lindsay Lohan, Britney Spears or Paris Hilton? Other?
2. Who is currently the skinniest celebrity?
3. Which couple will last longer? Tomcat (Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes) or Brangelina (Brad Pitt and Angelina Joliee)?
4. Which Laguna Beach caste member has benefited the most from the show?
5. Both Selma Heyak and Penelope Cruise are beautiful hispanic actresses. Which is prettier?
6. George Clooney :Better looking younger or older?
7. Who do you believe makes the best celebrity father? Mother?
8. Does Jessica Biel look better with her newer, slender figure or her classic, toned figure?
9. Which do you like better? Christina Aguilera's pop music, or her newer 50's inspired sound?
10. Which Simpson siter do you like better? Jessica or Ashely?
11. Who is 2007's Ike and Tina?
12. Which celebrity can you NOT stand? Explain.
13. If you could chose 1 celebrity to spend the day with, who would it be and why?
14 answers
asked by
♥ BuffaloGirl ♥
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