Last week my ten-years-younger brother (he's 10, I'm 20) who is in the fifth grade was put in time out for an hour because some kid chased him with a freshly sharpened pencil threatening to stab him with it. When the kid caught my brother, he really did try to stab at him but, thankfully, my brother had on a very thick jacket so the pencil never pentrated. My brother retaliated and when the teachers saw this, they put both boys in time out for an hour. My parents and I congratulated my brother for standing up for himself and me and my mother will be having a very strongly worded talk with the teachers (and possibly the principal) about this event.
When asked why my brother was put in time out, the teacher said "he should have come to us instead of reatiliating. We had to punish him too". Do you agree with this? What are some things you would tell the teachers/principal? Do you agree with punishing both parties of a "fight" even though one started it because no one told the teacher?
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