Righty then I'll buy us a drink over this proposition. If we ought to celebrate piracy we need a ship. I understand our ship will be Polls and Surveys, quite a beauty in its own right, plenty space for all you buccaneers. But it's not simply the pirate life you want, it's the glory, 'int it? If you insist on boarding my ship as a full-fledged crew mate, there be a few rules to consider. I won't give you hath even a few shillings weekly from share of my profits. You best not leave my side, ask me later why it's not a good idea. Mutiny will be off bounds, of course, unless you don't mind getting a spot wet and witnessing a most unsavory end. Keep 'em rules to memory, or you could write them down someplace. Next you will pillage and rob with me, understand? You get a share of that life as you desire. One more thing.....you have to promise to me never to tell the truth to anyone, not even yer crew mates. And with great stride and energy hath roam the seas, wonderful.
14 answers
asked by
Polls & Surveys