I think one of the problems we have today is that women are too independent. I believe a man cause of this is due to them earning their own income. If a woman has her own job she is more likely to feel that "she has a say" in how things are run. If she doesn't get her way, she can move out and stay somewhere else she wants because she has her own income to live "on her own". This is what would happen if a child has his own income equal to his parents. If the child didn't want to obey the parents, he could simply move out and get his own place. Therefore, I think if we made women more financially dependable on men and they didn't earn a separate income, they would be much more likely to submit because their options would be limited if they chose not to obey their husband. Female subjection to the man is key for a healthy and orderly relationship. After all, a siamese twin can't go in two separate directions can he? No - one has to take the lead.
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